Follow the Hall Family Journey

Final Weeks in Rome

Final Weeks in Rome

The temperatures have turned colder; Christmas lights are being strung up over the streets, and we realize our final weeks in a place we’ve come to love so much is drawing near. Our kids started a phrase around our dinner table of how, “everything is...
Gathering and Feasting

Gathering and Feasting

I find it a little unfortunate that the Thanksgiving holiday (focused on gratitude and recognizing the Lord’s hand in our lives) has not spread throughout world the way Halloween (a commercially-driven holiday with pagan roots) has. As we invited some locals to...
Join our Thanksgiving Challenge?

Join our Thanksgiving Challenge?

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and it is not celebrated at all in most of the world. I have always been adamant that the Christmas season doesn’t start in our home until Thanksgiving, because I don’t want this critical holiday being skipped. I would...
The World Is Our Classroom

The World Is Our Classroom

When you travel the world, it becomes the best classroom to learn, explore, experience, and see for yourself! This has been our goal as we venture out from one place to another. We’ve created lessons and opportunities for the kids to learn and discover the...
Thoughts from Hallie

Thoughts from Hallie

“I don’t really like this stuff, but it’s still kind of good and smells very weird. Scroll down and discover what I’m referring to.” “This is called a Panettone cake, pronounced pan-net-TOW-neh. My mom will tell you what makes it...
Throw-away Culture

Throw-away Culture

I had heard and even used the term before, but I had no idea how deeply it was impacting me. Throughout the stages of emptying our home, it was remarkable how much stuff we had. We carefully marketed the more valuable items on Facebook Marketplace. We held sales to...
Let’s Talk Dirty

Let’s Talk Dirty

Now don’t get too worked up, it’s just laundry… One of the biggest adjustments we’ve had to make here is learning how to get our clothes dried when the weather isn’t’ cooperating. We are already limited on the amount of clothes we...