Follow the Hall Family Journey

It’s Who I Am, It’s What I Do

It’s Who I Am, It’s What I Do

I want to take a moment to express some of my personal thoughts on the comments we keep receiving from others about the depth of faith our family has to take on such an adventure. These thoughts were inspired by a friend and coaching colleague of mine and I felt...
The Oppression of Things

The Oppression of Things

This morning I sit on a balcony in a hotel in Florence, breathing in the fresh air and dull sounds of a waking metropolis. Among several things learned on the journey to discover our current lifestyle, quite prominent is the realization of the oppression of things. I...
First Week in Italy

First Week in Italy

A view nearby our home We made it to Italy! And what a first week it has been! We arrived in Italy evening of Oct 9th, after a long redeye flight from Atlanta, Georgia to Istanbul, Turkey. Then boarded another plane in the late afternoon for a quick...
How this came about…

How this came about…

“It’s time to move forward” In March 2023, I attended a guided meditation call where my instructor invited us to view ourselves and our lives through God’s eyes. Intentionally watching your life unfold through His eyes and how He might see...
The Journey Begins!

The Journey Begins!

Okay, it has been a long time coming, but we are on the road and the blog is officially up! It is our hope to share many of the impactful moments and learned perspectives that come as we embark on this journey. There is a whole bunch of background to share about how...