Uhhhhh… my parents keep nagging me that I haven’t posted yet. So, I guess I’m posting now!
So far, it’s been really fun! Lots of stuff to do! Like… Uh… Stare at a screen for 16 hours straight! That’s always fun! Right..?
Jokes aside, I really do need to get off the couch more… If you’re looking for me, the first place you look is on the very couch I’m sitting on right now as I’m writing this! If I’m not here, I’m in bed. Otherwise, my mom or dad dragged me out of the house.
But if anyone’s interested, here’s my typical schedule:
Wake up between 4 AM to 7 AM, and get right on the computer to check notifications and do my morning computer time. Head downstairs at 7:45 to do scripture and prayer, get dressed and grab some breakfast. Then I get back on my computer to do schoolwork! And sit there until lunch! After lunch, surprisingly (not), I get back to schoolwork! After dinner, I do my after dinner job, then get back on the computer! Then I stare at the computer until it locks at 10 PM.
Welp, that about sums up my day! And it’s almost 10 PM, so I guess I should post this… BUT before I do, I just want to say tomorrow’s my birthday, so happy birthday to me!
Alr, fine… I’ll go get a decent amount of sleep…
Close Encounters
It was the most fun zoo experience we’ve ever had.